Hough Associates Municipal Mapping System
Hough Associates prides itself on an obsessive attention to detail and strives to be as accurate as possible in our recycling data collection process. One of the most difficult parts of our job is accurately assigning tonnage to the appropriate municipality. Zip codes are unreliable because they can span several municipalities and most maps do not show municipal borders. We could not find an accurate and simple solution to this problem - so we built one.
The button below will take you to our custom Google Maps overlay. We used US Census data to develop a mapping system that is highly accurate and simple to use. Our overlay allows you to search any address or zip code and see exactly in which municipality it is located.
There are three radio buttons - ZIPCODES, EAST, and WEST. ZIPCODES overlays the zip code borders for the entire state. EAST overlays the municipal borders on the eastern half of Pennsylvania. WEST overlays the municipal borders on the western half of Pennsylvania.
To find what municipality a particular address is located in, simply click on the EAST or WEST buttons (depending on what half of the state you are searching), click the magnifying glass to bring up the search field and type the address, and zoom out to see municipal borders. It's as easy as that.
Drop us a line and let us know how it works for you!